Saturday, June 23, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At last! A smile and a halfer. She is a little peanut, but we knew that. I can imagine your emotional upheaval and the fear that something would go wrong before you got her. She is just gorgeous aan I am convinced the Asians have such a desire for education and knowledge that she will surprise you all by the end of the first month. I think motivation is genetic. The Asians I am teaching now have such a thirst to know that I am amazed and I love doing this. It is the nicest thing I have done for myself in years, and It is voluntary. I teach two nights a week in my home, and I get manicures, pedicures, and bros in return. They even paid for my dog grooming! They have such a serene character and are such a joy that I cannot begin to tell you what a pleasure it is to be around them. You will notice it, I am sure. I have another present,so I want to see her wthin a few weeks after you are back.